Gamepedia Viewer 2.0

Version 2.0 of the Gamepedia Viewer is here! I know that since 1.0 has come out Bruji software has released their own way to view your collection remotely, but this view still has a few features they are lacking:

  • The ability to view your collection when offline (after initially syncing it on-line of course).
  • The ability to view items in your collection not in the “doghouse” system.
  • Customizable themes (although there pretty minimalistic to start feel free to fork the repo and go nuts).

The biggest one of those is of course that you can now view your collection offline once it’s been cached. This feature works on any modern browser that supports Web Workers and IndexedDB (pretty much everything on the mobile front, and most desktop browsers too). Once the initial sync is done you can come back any time and see the data just as it was. Works great as a web-application now, even has it’s own icon and everything, just hit the “Add to homescreen” item in the menu and it’ll show up and work like any normal application (well, almost, images do not show when offline because caching them would be difficult due to the size restraints, but you can’t have everything).

Since this is using your database and not the doghouse you can view items that are not in doghouse for whatever reason. If you have some unusual or just really ham-fisted a name into your collection (guilt) then it’s great, plus it’s quickly and easily searchable so cross-checking something you might already have is quick and easy.

The project is up on github (link below) so you can tweak it to your liking. Currently there are three default themes, which simply recolor the interface to your preference. If theres something your looking for then feel free to fork the project and start changing things or let me know, I’ll try to re-incorporate them if you want to share. You can also see it running with my collection here. The initial sync won’t be blazing fast, my collection is fairly large (940 titles at time of writing, with more waiting to be put into the system).

Matchbox Updated

Just pushed an update to matchbox. Version 1.1.0 introduces the navigationLoop option, allowing the navigation arrows to loop end-to-end through the image set. I laos fixed a couple bugs; one where the loadingHTML would only show on the first load, and another were opening the same image twice would prevent it from loading. The there were also minor changes in the code and readme to make things clearer.

Matchbox Released!

I’ve been toying around with the idea of a light box that didn’t us JS to center the image and finally got it all sorted out. Of course you know it’s got to be more than a basic light box, so I added a couple features and tried to make it as easy as possible to use.

First, in it’s default configuration, you can make any element trigger a lightbox by simply adding the attribute data-fullsize to it. If you want to do something a little different thats completely customizable, including using a function to get the larger version of the image.

It also have a few extra buttons in the lightbox view, the first of which is the open-in-new-window button in the top left which does exactly what you think it would, usefully for when the image is actually really large and there no way to see it all and see it at 100%.

On the side it has a couple arrows that light to navigate through all the images on the page that have the light box attached to them.  Simple and something I would except to see more of in light box plugins. Both the arrows and the new-window button can be disabled in the plugins settings.

You can see it in action here: and see the code, forkit it, and all that good stuff here: